212 похожих чатов

9 ответов

11 просмотров

Was looking to buy on pancake but the price is higher. And binance you can withdraw for some reason

Was looking to buy on pancake but the price is hig...

Sometimes it happen, when binance dont have enough supply

Wen Moon
Sometimes it happen, when binance dont have enough...

What's the APY for staking on mdex? It's 37% on binance exchange currently

If u lock for 1 year, can get close to 300%

What's the APY for staking on mdex? It's 37% on bi...

Way better than binance, around 300% apy on mdex website

The Money Maker Maker
If u lock for 1 year, can get close to 300%

What about if you want to leave it unlocked? And can you still collect the rewards if you lock it?

What about if you want to leave it unlocked? And c...

You can withdraw rewards whenever you want it

What about if you want to leave it unlocked? And c...

Lock means locking capital, rewards can always withdraw whenever u like

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