209 похожих чатов

Привет всем! У кого-то было такое? После обновления ledger перестало

заходить, ни с компа ни с телефона через bluetooth не даёт зайти.

7 ответов

47 просмотров

Через брэйв попробуй

пробоавал перезагрузить леджер и попробовать снова?

stas- Автор вопроса

После обновления и появилось

После обновления и появилось

Hello @everyone, Flow's Ledger integration on Flow Port is experiencing issues for any Ledger Nano X device that has upgraded to firmware version 2.0.0 as of 10/21/21 at 12PM PST. Nano X Community members are reporting they are unable to access their Flow wallets in our app following the upgrade of firmware on their devices. This means that currently anyone who has upgraded to v2.0.0 using NanoX cannot access their funds on Flow port. The Flow and Ledger teams are currently coordinating on a fix as soon as possible. In the meantime, we recommend refraining from updating your Ledger Nano X device if possible until the fix has been completed to continue to have access to Flow Port during this period. We’re working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will keep everyone posted on updates as they’re available. Thank you ocean

Просто выключи леджер лайв. Написано же отключите сторонний софт….

У меня была такая хрень , я отключил Леджер лайф и на самом аппарате включил приложение флоу. Удачи!!!

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