209 похожих чатов

22 ответов

11 просмотров

Enough for?

Enough for?

What is your target?

Peridot-IV Автор вопроса
Enough for?

To change my life

Peridot-IV Автор вопроса

Nothing is less or more it is how much you want it to go up...and how much won't bother you if it topples down

Peridot IV
Planning 100B 🤔

If you want to be a millionaire with 100B tokens you need price to reach 0.0000001, I see this very likely in few months

Nwanna Sixtus
It's still cheap to buy

Grab as much you can. We can kill two zeroes. Hold 100B and you have million $

Berke Khan
If you want to be a millionaire with 100B tokens y...

How much is 100b right now. I want to he a millionaire.

Berke Khan
$159, with current price

Damn guess I'll get 1 trillion so I can become a millionaire 10 times faster.

Jeff (wont dm first)
Is ur math correct?

I divided 1M by 100B, got the answer

Berke Khan
I divided 1M by 100B, got the answer

With 200b token with the price of 0.00000001 is just only usd2k

Jdizzle ⭕
How much is 100b right now. I want to he a million...

Even if u have 1 trillion and price reach 0.0000001 dollar u will get 125k dollars only..

Nope I don't think so

0.000001 with 1 T = 1m usd

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