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==DECENTRASRACH ANNOUNCEMENT== Время: 01.04.2021 (Сегодня) в 20:00 МСК Ссылка: https://t.me/eth_ru?voicechat Описание: Обсуждаем актуальные

события за неделю в экосистеме Ethereum/Polkadot и тд. Регламент: 10 тем, 6 минут на тему, далее 30 минут свободное общение.

Темы и ссылки на источник:

1. Ethereum price today ETH marketcap chart and info CoinMarketCap (https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum/);
2. Uniswap V3 announced: concentrated liquidity positions for less trader slippage, fee flexibility, better oracles (https://twitter.com/Uniswap/status/1374407380520239109);
3. Solidity bugfix for keccak caching in the optimizer (https://blog.soliditylang.org/2021/03/23/solidity-0.8.3-release-announcement
OpenZeppelin Contracts 4.0 – SafeMath now just a wrapper, storage optimizations, GSN v2 (https://blog.openzeppelin.com/openzeppelin-contracts-4-0//GSNV2/MicroEthSigner
Micro ETH Signer (https://github.com/paulmillr/micro-eth-signer);
4. EIP3416: Median gas premium (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3416) ;
EIP3436: Clique block choice rule for less deadlocks (https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/677661067fc5714f63f386e3d8aca2606b0ca54b/EIPS/eip-3436.md);
5. Zk Rollup Hermez is live with ETH, HEZ, WBTC, USDT and DAI transfers (https://twitter.com/hermez_network/status/1374663423678689287);
6. Hop cross-EVMchain AMM exchange to go live in April with xdai, Polygon and Arbitrum (https://medium.com/hop-protocol/hop-send-tokens-across-rollups-30f14c432f7c);
7. Acala has won the first parachain slot auction on Polkadot testnet Rococo (https://twitter.com/AcalaNetwork/status/1375271112435773440);
Plasm Network has won the 2nd Parachain Slot Auction on Polkadot testnet Rococo (https://twitter.com/Plasm_Network/status/1375810546281316356?s=20)
8. Ethermine MEV has earned ~22 $ETH in the past 4 days for the upcoming@gitcoin rounds! (https://twitter.com/etherchain_org/status/1377392548876984322);
9. Противники EIP-1559 1 апреля объединят мощности хэширования на пуле Ethermine - Bits Media (https://bits.media/protivniki-eip-1559-1-aprelya-obedinyat-moshchnosti-kheshirovaniya-na-pule-ethermine/);
10. Algorithmic Stablecoins

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