209 похожих чатов

I'M trying to buy yvusdt, thought i could get it

from yearn, i see yusdt is this the same thing?

3 ответов

10 просмотров

yvUSDT is the USDT vault token. Depending on what you're looking at, yUSDT is either the old v1 vault token or the yield-bearing token in Earn

yvUSDT is the vault token for the USDT vault. When you deposit in the USDT vault, you receive yvUSDT. When you withdraw from the USDT vault, you receive USDT and burn yvUSDT

Jeremiah- Автор вопроса
yvUSDT is the vault token for the USDT vault. When...

Ah ok, thanks, so the yvusdt will show up in my wallet automatically

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