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On a serious note, regarding the last episode, what do

you guys think about pegging the UOS to fixed $ prices? Wouldn't this make the UOS redundant somehow? I've never heard about this concept so far tho.

7 ответов

14 просмотров

No far from it. What they’re saying is, for very large businesses, having their costs fluctuate depending on the market is a disincentive to use something. If they know they can’t mint X NFTs for $1000 today and same number in 6 months, it means they can reliably use Ultra and not have to market watch UOS price.

The $ price is fixed but the UOS is dynamic so when one buys a game with $, this fiat will get converted in the background to UOS at current market rate

It's a tool for businesses. That's the real point here. They need to know their real costs to make business plans. The volatility in a ram market is impossible to plan around

Constantin- Автор вопроса
Constantin- Автор вопроса
The $ price is fixed but the UOS is dynamic so whe...

Yes, now I understand it better, thank you. The "bad mouths" could then ask if this doesn't affect the very value of UOS (becoming some kind of stablecoin-thingy), but now I see that it actually does the opposite, attracting big players into our blockchain 👍❤️

The $ price is fixed but the UOS is dynamic so whe...

I ask this question to myself since yesterday. I think it will be good to price in dollars with automatic conversion for mainstream usage. But in the same time, in purple juste near of it, you can also price the game in UOS then players can may have strong buy power if UOS increase. It will be nice for incentive to hodl.

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