210 похожих чатов

I'M not really sure whats going on here but this

group has taken a nosedive into smooth brain territory since the conference. Firstly, $10 eom is just stupidity but going the other way and saying that $5 eoy is equally ridiculous. Our nearest competitors are avax and matic, avax is a ghost chain and matic is on par with fantom - both are over double in mcap which would put fantom at $6. We potentially have a BTC run to 6 figure territory which would see flow down into eth and alts. Whilst the conference produced a lot of crap hype and out right lies (seriously, tesla?), there was some really bullish stuff that came out and 2 months of potentially bullish markets. Just hold, buy more and relax

3 ответов

19 просмотров

Ser I almost cried

Post the same thing in twitter and tag the influencers who shilled about tesla and 10$ prediction bro. They are the reason for this fuss.

Adam *Classic*- Автор вопроса
Post the same thing in twitter and tag the influen...

I don't do twitter as its a cancerous place

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