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Is there any difference in gas fee for transferring big

or small amount of SHIb to binance from wallet?

11 ответов

12 просмотров

All dependent on network

Nope, the gas fee is the same despite the amount of SHIB you have

Venus-Eclipse Автор вопроса
Nope, the gas fee is the same despite the amount o...

So transfering $1million is same as transfering $1000? For gas fee?

Venus-Eclipse Автор вопроса

I saw an article saying if someone cash out SHIb $5billon will pay $7milion gas fee

Depends on network you going to send through! If it’s eth. We know gas cost is almost buying bag 🤣

Venus-Eclipse Автор вопроса
They won’t, that article is BS.

Oh how sure are you? Have you tried?

Venus Eclipse
Oh how sure are you? Have you tried?

Yeah, I’ve dealt with BSC/ETH tokens before.

Venus Eclipse
I saw an article saying if someone cash out SHIb $...

Eth gas fees ridiculous.. looking for bsc is a good start. Anything non eth

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