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What'S the exact date that all stacking rewards(5%a week) unlock? 19

weeks was on the 26th if I am not mistaken but I still have more to unlock.

3 ответов

12 просмотров

It depends on the date you claimed, if you claimed multiple times there will also be multiple dates with multiple amount of tokens unlocked

Supreme-Leader Автор вопроса

I am sorry but I do not follow. Staking period starts on 6th April, 2021 until 15th June, 2021. All receivable rewards will be released 5% immediately, the remaining 95% will be distributed in 19 weeks (5% /week). Every staking reward will need 19 weeks (133 days) to be fully unlocked. Please take note of your unlocked token schedule 15/6 + 133 days was the 26/10. Why haven't all my coins been unlocked?

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