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I see that Ultra advertises that Smart Contracts are written

in C++, but I've read that the Ultra SDK allows you to develop in multiple languages. If so, does the SDK compile for C++ or can smart contracts be written in those other languages? Or am I confusing something? (I'm not a developer)

2 ответов

6 просмотров

smart contract must be written in c++ but the game in the langage you choosen

Thiago Rocha - O Criptonaᕫta- Автор вопроса
smart contract must be written in c++ but the game...

So are smart contracts for another type of interaction? In this case, doesn't the game's programming need to be compiled for C++? It's done in another language, but would it use C++ to interact with the blockchain with NFTs and stuff? Sorry if I'm confusing concepts, I don't have the technical knowledge of a developer, but I learn some "loose things" by reading around as self-taught

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