210 похожих чатов

@XVG_HypeMan have you seen so many xvg posts on twitter

in the last year lol? I haven't my feed is full of posts and not even just from the ambassadors. It's legit almost all the 1k-180k follower accounts. Like I said no announcements as of yet but the price will reflect the buys and pull a 2017. People are always scouring for that alt gem

3 ответов

9 просмотров

I agree it's going off the hook man already

Thanks man, I really thought I was becoming delusional about this or seeing whatever I wanted to see. Yes, the quantity of posts from those accounts has increased so much specially for the last 1-2 months. And reading your comments here and seeing very similar thoughts there makes me think (very) positively 😏

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