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@Farfaraway finally on of the last question I have is

: will it be possible between 2 differents game to transfert your nft. Let's say a legendary sword in FF X can be possibly be moved in minecraft, if the dev allows it in both companies.

Does this nft will be modify in stats? According to the game?

And finally Could you lose your nft in game like you lose your stuff in diablo? And then people making game trap to steal your nft?

3 ответов

15 просмотров

I think the stat of a weapon is game side for future patch note. If you lock the stat of a item i will be very broken if the game change a bit

Unknow- Автор вопроса

It could but it is also dangerous to know that dev can modify your weapon stat especially if you are willing to buy a legendary sword at 10k$ let's say. One of the answer I see about that is to give a period where nft cannot be sold and with all the properties not 🔒 yet (like a tiny symbol that show it can still be adjusted by dev), and if they will to be able to lock the nft properties to give more "insurance of value" to users 🤷‍♀️

It could but it is also dangerous to know that dev...

Yeah i think is possible but imagine a game without item affected by a patch note. Really hard to maintain equity over the long term

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