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So in short I bridged omg to boba l2 via

metamask. then I decided today to take half out and move it back to coinbase so I bridged 1/2 to l1. I waited 1hr then saw it showed up on l1 then went to coinbase got the omg address and pasted it in metamask forgetting to switch from boba l2 and pasted address and sent bridged omg from l2 directly to coinbase. since coinbase has access to wallet on l2 they should be able to recover it for me right? I was told most large cexes have complicated key management systems so its costly and takes a long time for them to try to recover it but it was a healthy sum (85k). I logged a support ticket with Coinbase and they would have to connect to Boba Network gateway via their private key of the wallet i sent and send the funds back. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Please do not DM me or send me any links

3 ответов

10 просмотров

You need to DM me it’s in your own interest

zZN13T25CH3Zz- Автор вопроса


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