209 похожих чатов

Hex.Vision site shows that from now till end of

January that A very Large amount of stakes will come due. With that being said I would think that the price of Hex will not be going up and possibly dipping further down.
Then in February through the rest of 2022 the chart shows Stakes coming due at a much lower percentage. Wouldn’t that be the time that we see Hex making it’s run up ?
I have only been researching Hex and invested in since early October.
I’m curious to hear the thoughts of Hex investors that have been around for a while ?

5 ответов

3 просмотра

I disagree but i may wrong. I believe when word we have a launch date for pulse. Hex will climb very fast until the launch of mainnet. When that happens it's anyone's guess to the price of hex ehex and pulse. But I do expect a good climb for ehex in that time. IMO

MK-2010 Автор вопроса

Ok. So you have seen this type of dip for this length of time with?


Edmund Duke

So I am guessing that it is copied staked? Because the contract will have been copied? Or will it just appear in the wallet?

MK 2010
Ok. So you have seen this type of dip for this len...

Yes. It happens. It’s a great buy opp historically.

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