Because it’s not us
Oh. Babydogeusdt isn't us?
That is something else check with there support
You sure. Those are futures and there based with usdt. Hmm did you even read it?
Yes I did we been trying to verify it. Even talked with support they said is not our token still verifying. But we are not posting anything until we are 💯 sure
Couldn't you just ask baby doge father to verify?
We are we have a team that handles that. Again we want to be 💯 before we release information
Fill your bags. That looked very legit! You would need an eth bridge to even pair with usdt if I'm not mistaken
Again nothing is official till is pinned or announce 📢
Ben do u think the dev hv a plan about this enormous supply?
I understand. I don't just put money into something and wait around till you pin something. I like to do my own DD and get ahead of the trends.
Just thought I share my finds.
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