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Has there been any news on anything pushing this project


11 ответов

13 просмотров

We've 900k within 5 months

We've 900k within 5 months

It's just our new born baby, wait for atleast one year

CryptoGirl- Автор вопроса
We've 900k within 5 months

I know that is exciting i meant more towards the roadmap. Been away for a while and havent heard much just making sure i didnt miss anything

We've 900k within 5 months

Yeah i am good..... yeah this s crazy i don t know why binance is not in... i am gone dm CZ ... and for those who don t believe me, he s following me for some years ... i was here for binance lunch on july 2017 ... no much followers @DukeDari

CryptoGirl- Автор вопроса
Patience it'll come.

Yeah cex are following the money... BDC will list ot self

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