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How to get back 12% slippage tokens?

3 ответов

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🤑How to buy Baby Doge First, make sure you have the required Smart Chain BNB to complete the exchange. You can use Metamask or Trust Wallet. You need the contract address: 👇🏻 0xc748673057861a797275cd8a068abb95a902e8de Here you can check whether it is the correct contract address 👇🏻 https://babydogecoin.com You can also use the link below to navigate directly to Pancake Swap to buy the token 👇🏻 https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xc748673057861a797275cd8a068abb95a902e8de Confirm again that the contract address matches the one on the website. DO NOT use an address randomly assigned to you without checking that it matches the one on the website. Here is the website 👇🏻 https://babydogecoin.com And finally a video showing step by step on how to buy. 👇🏻 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13onH1fvtBE ⚠️Ps. for the bargain hunters 🦊 at 1% slippage, for example if you have 240,000,000,000 you have to put the last two zeros to 99. Then it works too

Slippage is not a fee. Do you mean the 10% tax? You can't get that back - bit ypu will get back in reflections from other people paying the tax.

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