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Other than price. What do you know about XMR? SOunds like you just want moon bags imo. No offense. Maybe one way to be heard is get involved in the projects. That way you have more influence. HEre is a place for questions. and memes

Augustin Louis Cauchy- Автор вопроса
Other than price. What do you know about XMR? SOun...

no you're mistaken. Im actually a SWE and spent my time before that being a graduate student studying distributed systems and parallel computing and picked up my interest in cryptocurrency and blockchains from that. I know fully well how monero works. I viewed it as an optimal thing to keep a portion of my net worth in to be able to stay financially safe in the event of authoritarianism rising in the United States. But, i decided that I can't at a moral level keep my finances in with something that violates my principles. Mainly the "heads" of the project engaging in the same type of authoritarianism i had invested money into the project to be safe from. The main things that would be an improvement in monero are obviously privacy and functionality. The question is, can the privacy of monero be enhanced(clearly it can via tryptych, lelantus spark, seraphis etc) and can the functionality be enhanced(multi sig, smart contracts, etc) and clearly thats feasible as well. Just are people gonna come up with clever implementations and break away over time is the fundamental question. I quite literally sold because months ago I saw this shit happeneing with erricone and luigi booting the parler dev off the team not for him being weak tech wise, but because parler was "altrightneonaziwhitesupremacist hurrdurr." I got out once i saw the righting on the wall. Im waiting right now in washed stables deciding to reenter or not, and clearly after the info I learned today I wont be. Just because I dont blindly accept monero even after the project leaders actions violate my beleifs, or that I dont introduce myself as a smarty pants doesnt make me a moonboy.

Augustin Louis Cauchy- Автор вопроса
Other than price. What do you know about XMR? SOun...

and again. Im not a piratechain supporter, I hate them. So don't call me some fudder.

Augustin Louis Cauchy- Автор вопроса
Felipe Fernandes
SwE is opposite SJW

is index(E) == index(W) mod 26?

Augustin Louis Cauchy
no you're mistaken. Im actually a SWE and spent m...

thanks for taking the time to share that. You are not the only one. We can do better as a community of users and people who need this tech.

Augustin Louis Cauchy- Автор вопроса
thanks for taking the time to share that. You are ...

np. I legitimately had the best intentions with monero. Theres a few cryptos I hold for money. But I held monero for love of the project and literal guaranteeing my freedom in the event "they" ever really drop the hammer in the US. I do see some other privacy coins but they all seem to be ico money making schemes and whatnot. Except Discreet. I saw it being shilled on 4chan a few months ago and the monero people(myself included) fudded it off. But, over the months Ive been speaking with their devs and they are monthly doing work and adding features. Imagine if polkadot and monero had a baby. Thats essentially what it is. They're using Tryptych for privacy and a DAG blockchain for transactions. As well as building out the capacity for it to have its own smart contracts programming language like eth. It might be a scam, but I put about $500 into it back in june. They're doing a year long presale until main net launches with test net launching Q1-Q2 of 2022. Im glad I did purchase them. I don't recommend anyone put money into it without first looking into it and discussing with the team and getting to know them. But thats my current hope of a better non ideologically corrupted privacy coin. Ill take other suggestions tho.

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