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If the monero blockchain doesn't cancel people from their opinions,

why there are people cancelling on monero community? They are being like the banks and the government, that is the total opposed from monero. Please everyone who has good sense, banning Cris from monerotopia is not right, we should do something to stop censoring people because of their political opinions

7 ответов

14 просмотров

Nobody stops him to make his own one with booze and prostitutes... Oh, but that requires actual work and not just freeloading...

ㅤ- Автор вопроса
Nobody stops him to make his own one with booze an...

well.. I thought that monero was for everyone.. He was not invited to speak about politic anyway..

well.. I thought that monero was for everyone.. He...

Monero yes, related events not... To explain you more clearly, if someone organise an event is not obliged to accept any junkie or retard at the event just on the premises that monero is for freedom...

Monero yes, related events not... To explain you...

Are you stupid? This clearly isn't the problem. Doug worked to organize the event I would guess, he is the organizer as far as I know and yet, some "powerful voices" as he said wanted to cancel the whole event if their conditions weren't met. Do you find this ok?

ㅤ- Автор вопроса
Monero yes, related events not... To explain you...

if the event is political, followed by the political opinions of their "organizators", then it has nothing about monero, it should not even exist

if the event is political, followed by the politic...

How are someone’s fake news political lol

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