210 похожих чатов

Hi there is another Alice telegram group I’m a little

confused? I’m guessing the other group is fake?

6 ответов

14 просмотров

This is the real group. Please be careful of scam groups replicating us

Jimmy-E Автор вопроса
This is the real group. Please be careful of scam ...

Yes there are a few to be honest I join through CoinGecko... why is there a 4 Min delay??

Jimmy-E Автор вопроса
This is the real group. Please be careful of scam ...

Hey your opinion please.. I’ve bought and sold Alice A few times as the coin never moved I actually lost on it previously and I guess I’m late now? your advise on how this token will grow.... as I noticed quiet A low supply that keeps me coming back ? Any advice would be much appreciated and deciding now wether to Buy more and build my bag..

This is the real group. Please be careful of scam ...

Can u share ur here how I recover my token that I Deposit to gate.io still not credited

Akhtar Ali
Can u share ur here how I recover my token that I ...

Why did you deposit there? You can contact them directly for this

Jimmy E
Hey your opinion please.. I’ve bought and sold Ali...

One things for sure, we are just getting started and its up to you to make your own moves. We do not give financoal advices here

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