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Hopefully something big coming? They did the ETH bridge but

see no changes ?

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https://www.certik.org/projects/babydogecoin Check here for any updates on the ETH bridge. If there's no updates, then they are still working on it. The process is 100% controlled by Certik and not by us, and it depends on their own timeframe on how busy they are and how many other projects they have to audit, so we don't know how long it may take, but we hope it will be sooner than later. Please note that we also have not 1 project, but 2 projects being audited, which explains the longer auditing time. The first revision came back last time we believe adjustments are being made now. Not long to go hopefully! Once again, We don't control the processing times, so you can contact or email Certik directly if there are any questions or complaints at bd@certik.io

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