209 похожих чатов

Hi all, what is the minimum investment to start playing?

6 ответов

8 просмотров

the game is free and you get a tool and an avatar to start . anyway you will need to stake wax on the chain resources .. atleast 150 wax i would say

Zu-Zumbah Автор вопроса

perfect, thank you, what about ram, i tried to start playing, but get the message that i don’t have enough RAM

Zu Zumbah
perfect, thank you, what about ram, i tried to sta...

You need this following resources to avoid any error. • 100-200 minimum WAX for CPU • 1-2 WAX for Net • 10 WAX for Ram

Zu Zumbah
perfect, thank you, what about ram, i tried to sta...

that is one of the resources i was talking about :9

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