209 похожих чатов

Sorry but can the old pundix Token holders can claim

Purse tokens too?

6 ответов

12 просмотров

Dear Pundians, the site for $PUNDIX holders to claim $PURSE and $NPXSXEM holders to convert is now available. Claim👉 https://www.pundix.com/claimpurse/#/ Convert 👉https://pundix.com/migratepurse/#/ Must read👉 https://medium.com/pundix/purse-bep20-token-distribution-is-coming-4a3134d06b16

You need to have held your tokens on a private erc-20 wallet from June to October

Telugu Crypto Daily o7- Автор вопроса
Jeremy Herbst (I won’t PM you 1st)
You need to have held your tokens on a private erc...

Hi, Im getting an error while swapping NPXS to PundiX, can u plz help

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