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If the apr do not improve mdx will die slowly

but for sure because the other reward tokens are much much better in apr than mdx by far Mars over 200% pancakeswap over 70% biswap over 110% aqua over 100% and all of them not required to lock you capital. So can someone explain me why mdx is better with the apr sitting in 31% and lower?

1 ответов

9 просмотров

it isn't. The devs are hoping the transaction fees will increase as they think new investors will blindly come to the mdx platform. The current system is not very appealing as tvl has shrunk to peanuts as old investors are itching to exit and nee investors are put off by the terrible performance, mdx association with china and low apr. So it is the chicken and egg problem If these issues are not solved mdx will continue to tank to $0.05 Mdx should build up on its deflationary mechanics. Increase burn. Host competitions for using the dex on mdx to increase trading volume. Launch a stable coin where to mint it mdx is burned similar to what luna is doing. Nft marketplace A service like Platinum Gold Silver For mdx owned and you get a certain number of benefits and perks

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