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Lukso the L1 is cool and all, but what will

be the killler dAPP on top that will get regular people engaging with the network after main net launch?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

I don't think there will be just one but several killer dAPPs. But perhaps the Digital Wallet is the main one. Also, there is an ongoing Hackathon that seeks the best tool or dApp built on top of UP.

Matthew McHodlhey- Автор вопроса

why do you think the wallet will be a killer app?

Matthew McHodlhey
why do you think the wallet will be a killer app?

The fact that you will be able to access and manage your digital collectibles across all applications sounds cool enough to me.

Why do you think it won’t be?

Matthew McHodlhey- Автор вопроса
Why do you think it won’t be?

because there are many, many wallets already

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