209 похожих чатов

I hold 100million baby doge ...is that enough??

7 ответов

10 просмотров
Siddharth Raj-Singh Автор вопроса

Wouldn't be that much expensive?

Try for 100 Billion instead million...Just nothing 100 Million

Siddharth Raj-Singh Автор вопроса
Siddharth Raj Singh
But wouldn't be that much expensive?

definitely expensive id you hold it for at least 6 months you will get returns

Siddharth Raj Singh
Wouldn't be that much expensive?

No idea. Different cost of living in different countries. Honestly if you wnt to make money you need to spend some money. Everyone here is expecting to be rich in 12 hours after 10usd invested. Doesnt work like that.

Siddharth Raj Singh
How much approx bro

If your india calculate accordingly...US 2000$ approx...In india 1.5 lakhs

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