209 похожих чатов

By the way guys, seems like betting games will be

huge.. any news about the Texas Hold'em Poker from the team?

4 ответов

4 просмотра

Betting games will huge? Historically gambling in crypto has not gone very well with adoption.

Oliver-L. Автор вопроса
Betting games will huge? Historically gambling in ...

Which betting games have already been launch on crypto? Far as I know none. Theres one on the way from solana and binance it's also POKER..

Oliver L.
Which betting games have already been launch on cr...

You must be new to crypto. There are a lot. WiNK, Edgeless, FUN, Decentral Games and many more.

Oliver-L. Автор вопроса
Betting games will huge? Historically gambling in ...

And the history of crypto is a bit illogical to compare. Technology of crypto from last year is way too old compare to technology this year. And there was zero gambling project made in the crypto.

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