before withdrawing it if using bsc chain
are their any estimates? lets say for example my liquidity ended up on optimism, fantom - ethereum and avax -
im not sure if that means i would need to cover the gas for bringing it all together - Just wondering if there are any estimates please?
Really depends on gas at the time but you can go through the FAQ as it's detailed there.
thanks I just read it but it doesnt really make notes about when you withdraw - but it was a good read and helped me understand theprocess better how would one do the following? It is recommended that LP rebalance the liquidity across different chains to maximize the farming yield. Lets say I added liquidity to bsc chain for usdt and now my tokens ended up on lets say avax and fanton and bsc - does this mean aggregate and withdraw tokens and then add back on bsc? or does it mean that for example - usdt might be giving 30% on bsc chain, 40% on avax chain and lets say 25% on fantom chain - so I would put the usdt where I see best rewards?
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