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Hi folks. Can someone please explain the use of sinthetic

BTC, ETH, DOT and other crypto m-Assets. These cryptos are already in the blockchain/ digital world. Why mint mBTC, mETH etc. then? Any help is much appreciated. thanks

4 ответов

11 просмотров

These were created at a time where bridging assets over to Terra wasn’t as easy as it is today. Admittedly they are less relevant today and can be delisted via governance anytime

Biplabro- Автор вопроса
Biplabro- Автор вопроса
These were created at a time where bridging assets...

this begs another question. If it is delisted, what will happen to the nBTC that are already there in the user wallets? Is Burning them the only way? if not, how can the owner of mBTC get the exchange value after delisting?

this begs another question. If it is delisted, wha...

They can be redeemed (burnt in exchange of unlocking collateral) at the latest reported Oracle price

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