212 похожих чатов

$3000 in $MDX rewards campaign Duration: 12:00 PM (UTC) of 3rd

Dec -- 12:00 PM (UTC) of 6th Dec

1. Follow MDEX Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mdexswap and join the telegram group: https://t.me/MdexEN.
2. Forward the Twitter link to any DeFi telegram group (no less than 10,000 members): https://twitter.com/Mdexswap/status/1466726956486238209?s=20.
3. Screenshot after you finish to forward the link.
4. Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/Tafq5BBTGK6vFQdV9.

MDEX will pick 30 qualified users to reward $100 in $MDX per person within 14 days after the event ends.

Our Main Admins



Official website link: www.mdex.co
Alternative websites: www.mdex.me and www.mdex.com
Ann Channel: https://t.me/MixDexAnn
Telegram Chinese: https://t.me/MixDex
Telegram English: https://t.me/MdexEN

10 ответов

7 просмотров

need plans marketing?

Dantes... forward the link would be spam?

Lady Crypto Host
need plans marketing?

Yes, we are constantly doing marketing



MDEX will pick 30 qualified users to reward $100 in $MDX per person within 14 days after the event ends.

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