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I have a question. If I have $FUN token in

an exchange, do I need $ETH to convert it to $XFUN?

3 ответов

13 просмотров

So $ETH gas fees will be used to send $FUN to the Cross-Bridge and then $MATIC to receive it into the Polygon Network metamask wallet first Dplay.casino and Freebitco.in will use $XFUN for a faster transaction time with way lower fees. The way to get a $XFUN is by bridging which technically since the ratio is 1:1 that means that $FUN will be wrapped and converted into $XFUN. The reason for the wrapping idea is for gaming purposes only meaning it wont have value but if we pay the $MATIC gas fees (which is super low) Then we will receive it back as $FUN and of course that have value.

Valdi- Автор вопроса
So $ETH gas fees will be used to send $FUN to the ...

From these, I assume I still need ETH and MATIC to convert my FUN, right?

From these, I assume I still need ETH and MATIC to...

$FUN is a ERC-20 token and is on the Ethereum Network. In order to bridge $FUN we will need $ETH for gas fees to send to the bridge. Then to receive as $XFUN on the Polygon Network. We will need $MATIC to confirm the transaction. $MATIC gas fees is only on the Polygon Network and lower then Ethereum Network.

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