So did I. We've both made millions, assuming you invested a fair amount. I get you want 100x more, so do I. That would be cool. We both know NDAs cant be broken, and that's that. You probably signed an NDA with ultra if you met with David etc in 2018. Details regarding Ultra, AMD, and all the others cant be disclosed, full stop, without that company's permission.
Speedier software development? Yes please. But if the platform isnt ready, I hope to god they dont release it until it is. You know their vision, it's meant to be a real game changer. You cant do that with an unready product. That takes time. Ubisoft and AMD will be there when it's launched, because there are deep personal relationships between ultra and them.
I am more and more positive that tezos went first haha 😂 look at these shit storms they get. Because so far what I saw Ubisoft quartz is also nothing really nice or big. Some beta scrambled together change my mind please the next week s
I can attach what you say to Ultra either
One word experiment. People are going mad because of one ubisoft experiment
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