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🔥 The future of NFT in Everscale is here 🔥 Huge

work was done. We have made the best at the moment toolset for generative tNFT. It is a huge step for Everscale community. Anyone can easily create own tNFT collection. Our solution is highly customizable and easy to use.

It comes with the first open source NFT collection. You can generate and deploy EverDucks!

Key features:
✅ Extensive traits & images generator
✅ Store images on IPFS, your server, or onchain
✅ API-server source codes
✅ Example web dApp

🗒 https://github.com/southernlabs/tnft-generator

🔮 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-uFfD8MCzI

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4 просмотра

Excellent! 👍😍

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