212 похожих чатов

Please admin, what is the plan for the months to

come ? What are the projets of the team ? (Nft, new blockchain...). I think that it's too bad that don't don't have a clear vision of the future of this project, we would like to have a clear calendar for everything you plan for the future. Thanks in advance for your response, sincerely.

6 ответов

12 просмотров

We won’t over marketing, we will announce when we achieved something

Raphaël-Attlan Автор вопроса
We won’t over marketing, we will announce when we ...

I understand, but when is the announcement please ? In 1 month, 2 months ?

We won’t over marketing, we will announce when we ...

Mdx needs to give out incentives in order for people to buy it and not stupid binance competitions

Raphaël-Attlan Автор вопроса
We won’t over marketing, we will announce when we ...

I understand your point but transparency is primordial in order to give faith to investors

Stay tuned to our announcement channel for all the updates. Thanks for the suggestion. Shall forward it to the team.

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