209 похожих чатов

Hello. Is there buy and sell limit orders on tjis

dex? Like if i want to buy 50k

10 ответов

3 просмотра

yes you can limit price

as long as they are in the appropriate increment sizes

Like how much ?

depending on the coin, u can test it out, they will prompt u if the increments are too low.

Bry- Автор вопроса
Nightcrawler “Will NOT PM You First”
depending on the coin, u can test it out, they wil...

So if coin has ample amounts of liquidity i can make a 50k buy?

Nightcrawler “Will NOT PM You First”

Dex looks awful on mobile. All texts are grind up together

Chrome sir

Can u try to force close and clear cache? Looks fine on mine

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