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Have you ever come to start a new project??? Is

Raydium Preferred??? Why couldn't raydium project be released for 2 years?

7 ответов

31 просмотр

hey there, we understand that it has been quiet! but it’s also very important to consider the climate in defi. maybe projects do not want to launch in winter :) so we wait for solana summer

Metin Almas-almas Автор вопроса
Nightcrawler “Will NOT PM You First”
hey there, we understand that it has been quiet! b...

You said before that we were in bear season... Is that our excuse now? Find out that quality knows no time and why.. Quality is always working

Metin Almas almas
You said before that we were in bear season... Is ...

yes we are working. things look better definitely! let’s hope for the best sir

Metin Almas-almas Автор вопроса
Nightcrawler “Will NOT PM You First”
yes we are working. things look better definitely!...

I want to see the best now.... Of the raydiums I bought for $10 or $20 I don't want to see you disappear every day

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