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Whats the best way to see how many reflections I

have earnt compared to how many coins I have purchased?

8 ответов

21 просмотр

Honestly, you would probably just need to know how much you actually bought, and subtract that from how much you have now.



Steven- Автор вопроса
Steven- Автор вопроса
Boston ™️ Won't DM you first

Thing is when I look at moonscan I can see a balance.. when I go to metamask and look at the total for the BSC, it's different.

Thing is when I look at moonscan I can see a balan...

I believe if you use the reflection table you can figure out how many per day/week you received, just need to connect pubic wallet address. I've never done it as I'm not concerned enough to take the time to check.

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