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Isn'T there any news of mina adding to other platforms?

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5 просмотров

Mina Protocol Official Social Media Channels Telegram: https://t.me/minaprotocol - Our 24/7 Telegram Channel Telegram Announcements: http://t.me/MinaProtocolOfficialNews - Mina Protocol Official Announcements Discord: https://bit.ly/MinaDiscord - Technical Discussions, Block Producers and more Medium https://medium.com/@minaprotocol - Articles from the Mina Foundation Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/MinaProtocol - A place to hang out and talk & meme Mina Twitter: https://twitter.com/MinaProtocol - Our crypto twitter for news, events and updates YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MinaProtocol - Our Youtube Channel Weibo: https://weibo.com/minaprotocol - Our Weibo WeChat: Mina 官方中文社区 #1-#7 - Our WeChat channel Website: https://minaprotocol.com/ - An essential place to go

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All news Mina centered will be posted on our official social media channels.

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