212 похожих чатов

If I make such an exchange then I will be

charged 50,000 xmdx?

10 ответов

12 просмотров

no you have to use the swap.


Just withdraw what your xMDX allow you to do so. Or do not withdraw at all until locking period is over.

Roman- Автор вопроса
Moon (4,4)🇬🇧🇪🇺🇧🇬
Just withdraw what your xMDX allow you to do so. ...

that is it is possible to remove on 97000 xmdx? and the rest in 365 days?

Roman- Автор вопроса
Markus S.

and to me in a year those xmdx will not be useful? to withdraw the remaining coins

? Admins

sorry, don't understand your question

? Admins

If you use ALL xmdx NOW you have to buy more in a year to unlock the rest of your MDX.

Roman- Автор вопроса
Markus S.
If you use ALL xmdx NOW you have to buy more in a ...

ha. that is, you will still have to buy xmdx?) It's funny. and mdx I do not automatically have to return in a year?

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