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The SEC is currently fighting internally right now. Two SEC

commisioners, Hester Peirce and Elad Roisman think Gensler is failing to provide investor protection and failing to actually regulate the space. They came out with an official statement about this just recently. In this statement they also mention that it doesnt seem like Gensler is really trying to regulate the space. So a lot of it is being dragged out. For what? Probably for the whales to pack their bags. When will we find out about regulatory clarity? Whenever it's most inconvenient for retail investors

1 ответов

7 просмотров

Just saying Gensler is the opposite of a shill... He's a risk averse regulator who basically wants to see things stay as they are with post-2008 safeguards in place. As to whether crypto mom can unseat Gensler, I highly doubt it. Whatever power she has is in the hands of the whales and their lobbyists, to whose ranks I suppose you are aspiring to join. But the crypto whales go against decades of established practice in the banking system. The Howey Test will define what a security is and stablecoins will be defined as money market funds. There will be a very narrow space for a few cryptocurrencies to be defined as commodities and that space is looking narrower every day.

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