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Chainz arena gonna be on air this month?

6 ответов

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On the following 2 months.

do not want to lie, but in AMA they said one of the games they were working on was done faster than they thought it will be, I just assumed that it is chainz, they also said that that by feb next year there will be 2 more games released, they are working on a Christmas event that will start next week, doubt chainz will be released before year end.

I'm not sure if I understood correctly what SOON said, but I think Tactical Slayer comes this year and momo chainz and a TD game comes in the following 2 months.

Alan-Dean Автор вопроса
I'm not sure if I understood correctly what SOON s...

and I think it is the other way around, since on the picture I sent, chainz arena has a logo up and running already, so I think chainz will come out before TD game

MonzyCrypto 🇿🇦
and I think it is the other way around, since on t...

I think TD is one of the incubated games, so it could come before, but I agree with you. I think it's more likely to chainz to arrive first.

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