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Hello! Is it true that cartesi will undergo a “rebranding”


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yann-leroi Автор вопроса

There was a chat a few days ago with COO Colin Steil on Staking Rewards where Colin mentions that cartesi is “actually going through a whole rebranding process right now” and that more info would be released in the coming months

yann-leroi Автор вопроса
@tokenexpertt need to know if it's true

He’s probably double checking if he can give out info or not 😂 but the COO already publicly announced it so shouldn’t be that hard lol

Hello Yann! Yeah I can confirm that. As our COO Colin said, more infos going to be released as soon as they ready to publish with you guys! 2022 is going to be our year. Thanks for asking btw. @ajtwits

You are taking his comment out of context mate. Cartesi is scaling fast and the team is working hard to bring it to full potential. I also watched him during the AMA. I think you are taking just a section of his comment and giving meaning to it

yann-leroi Автор вопроса
Paul- I'll Never DM You First For Funds or Wallet Verification
You are taking his comment out of context mate. Ca...

What are you talking about???? Rebranding means rebranding. No out of context here, it’s pretty straight forward

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