turn off the internet as a false flag pretext to destroy all markets and economies world wide?? #CyberPolygon
How can monero users and HODL'rs mitigate disturbance and vulnerability from this obvious pending crisis???
nothing to do, if internet is shutdown we have bigger problems
Yup crypto is useless without internet or in a grid down scenario
so they want to introduce CBDCs whilst shutting down the internet? How long will it last do you think
That's everyone's throw away argument. Which I agree with, but what are you doing to this end still?
I don't think they want to shut down the internet, but they do want to heavily censor it
i'm intrigued, please tell me more
Got to hold some gold and silver too. And NRG-5
already heavily censored. Does anyone feel heavily censored here? This is the Internet. We dont need stupid websites, unless there are for shopping purposes
Yeah, totally censored. I remember when putting something random in a search engine brought you to all kinds of crazy freak sites that you could discover. Now it's just the same everywhere, government propaganda and stuff they want you to buy
I will probably set fire of gov buildings😂
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