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Admins, what happens if we have the pool in lock

and the mstable and frax incentive partnership ends? Will the money be unprofitable for the rest of the period? or can there be a possibility to remove the lock before?

4 ответов

15 просмотров
Sniper- Автор вопроса

aidan the internet idiot would you have the answer?

aidan the internet idiot would you have the answer...

if rewards drop due to gauge votes then the LP will remain locked, if support for the LP stops completely then it will be unlocked and investors would be able to remove funds. if there is a gray area then a proposal to unlock the pool can be made. there has been a few pools that have stopped being supported by FRAX in the past and they where unlocked when the support ended without issues.

4 years locked. veMAXI (as a millionaire)
if rewards drop due to gauge votes then the LP wil...

Speaking about this, I remember there used to be a frax-eth uni LP pool and then gone. What was the rationale behind the pool destruction?

Speaking about this, I remember there used to be a...

the pool was not really used and was not seen as the best way to spend emissions.

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