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Multi Millionaire Man- Автор вопроса

Any rational behind your argument.

Multi Millionaire Man- Автор вопроса
Multi Millionaire Man
Any rational behind your argument.

we are the only dogs that have all the binance requirements at the moment

Multi Millionaire Man

Well i been here since babydoge started i know things that u dont so i can't say 100% but we almost there

I don't know i dont work for them but am expecting sooon unless if something different happens

Multi Millionaire Man- Автор вопроса
I don't know i dont work for them but am expecting...

How soon is soon. Any estimated time line?

Multi Millionaire Man
How soon is soon. Any estimated time line?

I bet even dev dont know lol Binance got no time they can announce at any time maybe today 😂😂🤣

Multi Millionaire Man- Автор вопроса
I bet even dev dont know lol Binance got no time ...

Today is impossible but if it is us or any other coin, it should be announced before the end of year. I suspect 3 other dog coins which has good consolidated market cap. But let’s us hope it’s us which I to be honest have little reservation.

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