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What will the guaranteeed TPS of the mina blockchain

be? Will this TPS be valid only for simple transactions (wallet payments)? What will be the TPS be for smart contract execution (which group several simple transactions)?

7 ответов

20 просмотров

I don't see a reason why smart contracts would have "more heavier" or rather slower transaction speed. The transaction speed depends on many many things, but there are already multiple ideas to improve it

I don't see a reason why smart contracts would hav...

Maybe seen between bridging, itd be clunky, but would still operate. I wonder about the computational side of things with EVM and Mina.

Especially applicable to bridging, where for example you are wrapping USDC from ETH to bring it to the MINA network.

All computation, regarding smart contact execution, happens inside your browser, on your device - no on chain computation. If anything, smart contacts will even improve tx with easy roll ups

All computation, regarding smart contact execution...

So this is the innovation of MINA - computations done on the local device, instead of on-chain?

AviatorSea AviatorSea | Will NEVER DM FIRST
Especially applicable to bridging, where for examp...

You won't be able to bridge Mina/ETH that way just now. Mina won't have access to the Ethereum side of things, only the other way around. So not wrapped ETH on Mina just yet

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