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Hello, did anyone calculate the approx minimum amount to

deposit fxs into the convex strategy on ethereum taking ETH gas fees into account ?

7 ответов

6 просмотров

I'd say 10k minimum if you're able unless you're leaving for a long time

probably a fractel after this announcement 👀👀 I have two questions : 1 / where is the greatest liquidity in FXS? Sushi? CEX? 2 / Could you confirm that there are ONLY 2.5m FXS on FRAX-FXS pool ?

1. FXS has good liquidity on uniswap, Binance and also 1inch

Dantes Stan (¤³ ¤³) DON'T PM FOR ETH/$$
1. FXS has good liquidity on uniswap, Binance and ...

i already use 1inch but I would like to find more information about the pool - how much FRAX and how much FXS?

Dantes Stan (¤³ ¤³) DON'T PM FOR ETH/$$
1. FXS has good liquidity on uniswap, Binance and ...

(i find the liquidity on Binance very low) - I don't use CEX so .. no problem ^^

probably a fractel after this announcement 👀👀 I h...

2. I just checked the TVL, yes, it's around $90m TVL, so that's around 2.5m FXS

Dantes Stan (¤³ ¤³) DON'T PM FOR ETH/$$
2. I just checked the TVL, yes, it's around $90m T...

thank you ser! the last FXS in circulation will flow into Convex in my opinion

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