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Can someone tell me what happened to all the admins


11 ответов

8 просмотров

chances are spending christmas with families?

What-Dafuk Автор вопроса
Patrick F
chances are spending christmas with families?

No they have been gone for longer than that, there has been zero admins in chat for weeks now and no admins in chat there is no support or inlut from them at all

What Dafuk
No they have been gone for longer than that, there...

you must not be in same chat as me cause I've seen plenty of em

What Dafuk
No they have been gone for longer than that, there...

That is not true at all. I speak with the admins and mods every day in voice chat

What-Dafuk Автор вопроса
ro kars (I won't DM or ask for $)
What are you talking about???

You know what i'm talking about, there had been zero admins in voice chat answering questions there are just random members talking garbage doing more harm than good, how long have they been on strike for and for what ?

Are you a crack head lol

Yeah he is a week 1 whale that had been here since this chat existed.

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