209 похожих чатов

Hi all! I'm looking to invest in Illuvium... I just

need to understand a few things: total circulation? Max supply? Apy for staking is 33%...is there a min period to stake? Can u unstake immediately? Tks for your answers.

5 ответов

10 просмотров

Some important sources of information that everyone interested in and/or new to Illuvium should take a careful look at are: <https://docs.illuvium.io/> <https://medium.com/illuvium/9-tokenomics-launchpad-and-reward-details-5894c3b356be> <https://medium.com/illuvium/28-everything-you-need-to-know-about-staking-ilv-6669594b2fac> <https://medium.com/illuvium/29-governance-yield-farming-and-vault-distribution-faq-7327ae7eb507>


Filippo- Автор вопроса

So I found out circ is 700k, and no new token will be released before Apr... What about staking conditions? Do u need to stake for a min period of time? Unstake is instant?

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Filippo- Автор вопроса
Dick Kingz
You can choose

Ok, I'll look into it. Thanks.

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