209 похожих чатов

Its takes 1 second for admins to answer. its their

job. plus i want to be 100% sure its fake. Not sure why you'd still tell me admins have better things to do than confirm if silv is fake or not. Seems like an important thing for investors to know, right?

3 ответов

9 просмотров

True.. as I said, should not have dropped my saltyness on you. If land is what you're looking for sILV is the way to go. Staking rewards claimed before their lock up period has ended are recieved as sILV. It can only be used in game, and can not yield any other staking rewards. That's why sILV is a lot cheaper.

Crypt0Bank- Автор вопроса
Haze Ventura
True.. as I said, should not have dropped my salty...


SILV is very real

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